Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich: A Quick and Delicious Snack

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Make your boring sandwiches a thing of the past with this yummy cheese mayonnaise sandwich recipe!

If you like sandwiches, you’re going to love this delicious cheese mayonnaise sandwich recipe! It adds the perfect touch to your lunch or dinner and will quickly become your new favorite condiment. It only takes 5 minutes to make and is so easy that anyone can do it! Enjoy!


A Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich is a sandwich made by placing cheese, mayonnaise, and vegetables between two slices of bread. It is typically grilled or toasted.

The cheese mayonnaise sandwich has been a popular snack for decades. Its origins are unclear, but it is believed to have first appeared in the United States in the early 20th century. At that time, mayonnaise was a relatively new condiment, having been introduced to the U.S. market in the late 19th century. Cheese, of course, has been around for centuries.

Over time, the cheese mayonnaise sandwich has become a staple of lunch boxes, picnics, and snack time. It’s a versatile sandwich that can be customized with different types of cheese, bread, and seasonings.


Here are some reasons why Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich is a popular snack:

  • It is quick and easy to make.
  • It can be customized with various vegetables and spices.
  • It is a filling snack that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or as a mid-day snack.
  • It is a perfect way to use up leftover vegetables and cheese.
  • It is a great snack for people of all ages.
  • It is affordable and can be made with just a few ingredients.
  • It is a popular snack all over the world and has various regional variations.


Prep TimeCooking TimeTotal TimeServing
10 Min5 Min15 Min2
  • Course: Snacks
  • Cuisine: Fusion
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • 4 slices bread
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons Mayonnaise
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper (crushed)
  • 1 teaspoon red chili flakes (adjust to taste)
  • 1 Garlic clove minced
  • 1/2 tablespoon mustard powder
  • Lemon juice as needed
  • Salt to taste

For Green Sauce

  • 5-6 green chilies
  • 1-inch ginger piece
  • 1 tbsp roasted peanuts
  • 2 cups coriander leaves
  • 1 tsp jeera
  • 1/2 tsp black salt
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 ice cubes

Preparation for green sauce

It’s super easy. Grind all the ingredients and make a paste. The green sauce is ready.


  • 2 tablespoons Onions
  • 1 Green chili
  • 2 tablespoons carrots (Grated )
  • 2 tablespoons sweet corn (Boiled)
  • ¼ cup bell pepper (capsicum)
  • 1 firm tomato, chopped
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons Cabbage or lettuce or coriander leaves as needed fine chopped


  • Toaster or toaster oven
  • Butter knife or spreading utensil
  • Cutting board
  • Knife



  • Butter the bread slices.
cheese mayonnaise sandwich
Butter the bread
  • Chop onions and mince garlic. Add them to a bowl.
  • Squeeze in some lemon juice. Let rest for a while until the veggies are ready. This makes the onions & garlic less pungent.
  • Prepare the vegetables by chopping them finely.


  • Add mayo, red chili flakes, salt, pepper, Veggies, and mustard powder.
  • Mix up everything nicely and taste it. Add more spice if needed.
cheese mayonnaise sandwich
Mix all well
  • Apply green sauce and tomato sauce on the bread slices.
  • Spread the mixture on the bread.
cheese mayonnaise sandwich
Apply green sauce and mixture
  • Place another slice on it to make a sandwich.
  • Heat a grill pan until it’s hot, apply butter on the sandwich, and grill on both sides until brown.
cheese mayonnaise sandwich
Sandwich is ready
  • Slice into triangles or squares.
  • Serve hot.
cheese and mayo sandwich
Serve hot


Also read: Tomato Sauce vs Paste?


While the classic cheese mayonnaise sandwich is delicious on its own, you can also get creative with different variations. Here are a few ideas to try:

  • Grilled Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich: Make a grilled cheese sandwich with mayonnaise instead of butter. Spread mayonnaise on the outside of the bread slices before grilling the sandwich in a pan.
  • Bacon and Tomato Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich: Add some bacon and tomato slices to your cheese mayonnaise sandwich for a savory twist.
  • Ham and Pineapple Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich: For a sweet and savory combination, add some ham and pineapple to your cheese mayonnaise sandwich.


Here are some tips to make your Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich perfect:

  • Use fresh bread that is not too thick or too thin. It should be able to hold the filling without falling apart.
  • Choose a good quality cheese that melts easily. Cheddar, mozzarella, or provolone are good options.
  • Customize the filling with your favorite vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, or even lettuce.
  • Don’t overfill the sandwich, as it may become difficult to eat and may not cook evenly.
  • Buttering the bread before toasting it gives it a crispy texture and adds flavor.
  • Use a sandwich maker or a pan to toast the sandwich evenly on both sides.
  • Serve the sandwich hot with ketchup or any dipping sauce of your choice.


  • Is a cheese mayonnaise sandwich healthy? While it may not be the healthiest sandwich option, you can make it healthier by using whole grain bread and low-fat cheese. Remember to enjoy it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
  • Can I make a cheese mayonnaise sandwich without toasting the bread? Yes, you can make it without toasting the bread if you prefer a softer texture. Just be sure to spread the mayonnaise evenly on the bread.
  • What type of cheese is best for a cheese mayonnaise sandwich? Cheddar, Swiss, or American cheese are classic choices, but you can use any type of cheese you like.
  • Can I add other toppings to my cheese mayonnaise sandwich? Absolutely! You can add bacon, tomatoes, ham, pineapple, or any other toppings you like to customize your sandwich.
  • Can I make a cheese mayonnaise sandwich ahead of time? You can make the sandwich ahead of time, but it’s best to wait to add the mayonnaise until you’re ready to eat to prevent the bread from getting soggy.


Here are the nutrition facts for cheese and mayo sandwich

Nutrition Facts
Per Serving
Cal: 292kcal
Fat: 17g
Carbs: 27g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 6g


A cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich is a quick and easy snack that can be made with just a few ingredients. It is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or as a mid-day snack. By following the simple steps and tips, you can make a delicious Cheese Mayonnaise Sandwich in no time. Customize it according to your preference, and enjoy it with your family and friends!

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