The Perfect Poha Recipe: A Healthy Breakfast Delight

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Learn how to make a quick, healthy, and authentic Indian poha breakfast with this easy recipe. Perfect for a delicious start to your day!

Are you looking for a delicious and wholesome breakfast option? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the world of Poha, a popular Indian breakfast dish. Poha is not only tasty but also nutritious, making it a perfect choice to kickstart your day. We’ll dive into its history, variations, and provide you with an easy-to-follow recipe that will leave your taste buds craving for more.


Poha, also known as flattened rice, is a traditional Indian breakfast dish made from rice flakes. It is a versatile and quick-to-prepare meal that is cherished across the country. It is a staple in many Indian households due to its simplicity and delectable taste.


Poha has a rich history dating back to ancient India. It is believed to have originated in the western regions of India, where rice is a dietary staple. Over the centuries, it has evolved and incorporated various flavors and ingredients, making it a regional favorite.


  • Maharashtrian: This version of Poha is famous for its spicy and tangy taste. It includes ingredients like mustard seeds, curry leaves, and turmeric, giving it a vibrant color and flavor.
  • Kolkata: In the city of Kolkata, Poha takes on a sweet and savory twist. It’s garnished with julienned coconut, green chilies, and a touch of sugar for a unique taste.
  • Gujarati: Gujarati Poha is known for its simplicity. It’s tempered with cumin seeds and garnished with fresh coriander leaves and lemon juice, offering a refreshing and light breakfast option.


Prep TimeCooking TimeTotal TimeServings
10 Min15 Min25 Min4
  • Course: Side dish
  • Cuisine: Indian
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • 2 cups of Poha (flattened rice)
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 1 finely chopped tomato
  • 2-3 green chilies, finely chopped
  • A handful of fresh curry leaves
  • 1/2 cup of green peas
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of mustard seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnish
  • A squeeze of lemon juice



  • Rinse the Poha (flattened rice) in a sieve under running water for a minute. Be gentle to avoid breaking the flakes. Set it aside to drain.


  • Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. Let them splutter.
  • Add finely chopped green chilies and curry leaves. Sauté for a minute.


  • Add finely chopped onions and sauté until they turn translucent.
  • Add green peas and cook for a few minutes until they soften.
Add green peas
  • Now, add chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, and salt. Cook until the tomatoes are soft and the mixture comes together.


  • Gently add the rinsed Poha to the pan. Mix it well with the onion and tomato mixture.
Poha recipe
Add poha
  • Cook for a few more minutes until the Poha is heated through and well combined.


  • Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and a squeeze of lemon juice for that extra zing.
  • Your flavorful Poha is ready to be served hot.
Ready to serve



It offers several health benefits, making it a popular choice for breakfast in India and beyond:

  • Low in Calories: It is a relatively low-calorie food, making it a suitable option for those looking to manage their weight. A 100-gram serving contains approximately 350-400 calories.
  • Rich in Carbohydrates: It’s a good source of carbohydrates, providing the body with a quick and sustained source of energy. This makes it an excellent breakfast choice to kickstart your day.
  • Low in Fat: It contains minimal fat, making it heart-healthy and ideal for individuals watching their fat intake.
  • Dietary Fiber: While not extremely high in fiber, it does contain some dietary fiber (2-3 grams per serving), which aids in digestion and helps maintain bowel regularity.
  • Gluten-Free: It is naturally gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.
  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: It contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron. These nutrients play vital roles in maintaining overall health, including good vision, a strong immune system, and healthy blood.
  • Easy to Digest: The process of flattening rice makes it easier to digest compared to other rice varieties, making it a gentle option for those with sensitive stomachs.
  • Customizable: It is highly versatile and can be customized to suit your taste and nutritional preferences. You can add vegetables, nuts, or spices to enhance its flavor and nutritional value.
  • Balanced Meal: When prepared with a variety of ingredients like peas, potatoes, and nuts, it can become a balanced meal that provides protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Satiety: Due to its carbohydrate content and fiber, it helps you feel full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking between meals.
  • Quick and Easy: It is incredibly easy and quick to prepare, making it a convenient choice for busy mornings.

Incorporating this dish into your diet can be a nutritious and delightful way to enjoy a traditional Indian breakfast while reaping its health benefits. Just remember to balance it with a variety of foods to ensure a well-rounded diet.

Also read: Kasuri Methi


  • Can I use any type of rice flakes? While traditionally it is made from flattened rice, you can experiment with other varieties like red rice or brown rice flakes for a healthier twist.
  • Is Poha suitable for a gluten-free diet? Yes, it is naturally gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for those with gluten sensitivities or allergies.
  • Can I make Poha in advance for meal prep? Absolutely! it can be prepared in advance and refrigerated for a quick and convenient breakfast option throughout the week.
  • Are there any vegan variations of Poha? Yes, it is inherently vegan. Just ensure that you use vegetable oil instead of ghee for a fully vegan preparation.
  • Can I customize it with my favorite ingredients? Of course! it is incredibly versatile. Feel free to add your favorite vegetables, nuts, or spices to create your unique version of this beloved breakfast dish.


Poha, a popular Indian breakfast dish made from flattened rice, has a relatively healthy nutritional profile. A typical serving (about 1 cup or 100 grams) contains around 350-400 calories, with a moderate amount of protein (5-6 grams) and low levels of fat (5-6 grams). It’s also a good source of carbohydrates (70-75 grams) and provides some dietary fiber (2-3 grams). It is virtually cholesterol-free and contains minimal saturated fat.

Additionally, it offers essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron in small but meaningful amounts. It’s a wholesome and satisfying breakfast option, especially when prepared with nutritious ingredients like vegetables and nuts.

Nutrition Fact
Per Serving
Cal: 370kcal
Fat: 6g
Carbs: 70g
Protein: 6g


In conclusion, Poha is not just a breakfast dish; it’s a culinary journey through the diverse flavors of India. Whether you prefer the spicy Maharashtrian version or the sweet-savory Kolkata style, it has something to offer everyone. So, why wait? Try your hand at making this delectable dish and enjoy a taste of India right at your breakfast table.

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