How to Make Fresh Coriander Powder at Home

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Learn how to make coriander powder from scratch at home. Follow our simple steps for aromatic and flavorful spice preparation.

Coriander powder adds a distinct flavor to dishes, making it a must-have in every kitchen. By following this guide, you can create your own coriander powder from scratch, ensuring the highest quality and taste.

But first of all, let’s learn about coriander seeds and their health benefits:


Coriander seeds are the dried fruits of the coriander plant. These seeds are a common spice used in cooking and are well-known for their unique flavor and aroma. The coriander plant, also called cilantro or Chinese parsley, is a member of the Apiaceae family.

When the coriander plant matures and flowers, it produces small, round seeds with a light brown color and a ridged texture. Once these seeds are fully developed, they are harvested and dried to preserve their flavor and shelf life. Coriander seeds have a warm, citrusy, and slightly sweet taste, which makes them a popular addition to various dishes worldwide.

Both whole coriander seeds and powder are utilized in culinary preparations. Whole seeds are often used to infuse flavors in soups, stews, pickles, and marinades, while ground coriander is commonly used in spice blends, curries, baked goods, and different meat and vegetable dishes.


Here are some benefits of coriander:

  • Rich in Nutrients: Coriander is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and manganese.
  • Digestive Aid: Coriander may help improve digestion and alleviate digestive issues like bloating and gas.
  • Antioxidant Properties: It contains antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Coriander has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Skin Health: Coriander’s antimicrobial properties may help treat skin infections and promote overall skin health.
  • Immune System Support: Vitamin C in coriander supports the immune system and helps fight off infections.
  • Diuretic Effects: Coriander may act as a diuretic and aid in flushing out toxins from the body.

Overall, coriander plays a significant role in numerous cuisines, contributing a distinctive and delightful taste to a wide array of culinary creations.


Coriander powder, also known as ground coriander or dhania powder in Hindi, is a popular spice used in various cuisines around the world. It is made from dried and freshly roasted coriander seeds. This aromatic and flavorful spice adds a unique taste to dishes, making it a favorite ingredient in many households and professional kitchens alike.

In this article, we will delve into the history, culinary uses, nutritional benefits, and health advantages of this spice. Additionally, we will explore its role in traditional medicine, easy methods of making it at home, and some pro tips for buying and storing this delightful spice.


Prep TimeCooking TimeTotal TimeYield
05 Min10 Min15 Min2 cups
  • Course: Spice
  • Cuisine: Indian
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • 2 cups coriander seeds



To make the best coriander powder, start with selecting fresh and aromatic coriander seeds. Look for seeds that are light brown in color and free from any mold or damage.

Coriander powder
Select quality seeds


Before roasting, it’s essential to clean the coriander seeds properly. let them dry completely. Excess moisture can affect the roasting process.

Coriander powder
Dry before roasting


Roasting the coriander seeds brings out their natural oils and enhances the flavor of the powder. Heat a pan on low flame and dry roast the seeds until they emit a pleasant aroma.


Once the roasted seeds cool down, transfer them to a grinder. Grind the seeds to a fine powder. You may need to pulse the grinder a few times to achieve the desired consistency.

Coriander powder
Grind seeds to fine powder


To maintain the freshness and potency of your coriander powder, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid exposing the powder to sunlight or moisture.

Also read: Mastering Cooking Terms


  • Choose Fresh Coriander Seeds: Start with high-quality, fresh coriander seeds. Look for seeds that are light brown in color and have a strong aroma.
  • Clean the Seeds Thoroughly: Before roasting, wash the coriander seeds in cold water to remove any dirt or impurities. Ensure they are completely dry before proceeding.
  • Dry Roast for Enhanced Flavor: Dry roast the coriander seeds on low heat in a pan. This process brings out the natural oils and intensifies the flavor of the powder. Be careful not to burn them.
  • Cool Before Grinding: Allow the roasted coriander seeds to cool down before grinding. Grinding while they are still hot can result in a loss of flavor.
  • Grind in Small Batches: For the best results, grind the coriander seeds in small batches. This ensures even grinding and prevents the blades from overheating.
  • Pulse Instead of Continuous Grinding: Use the pulse setting on your grinder or blender instead of continuous grinding. This helps achieve a fine powder.
  • Store Properly: Transfer the freshly ground coriander powder into an airtight container immediately. Store it in a cool, dark place away from sunlight and moisture to retain its flavor and aroma.
  • Use as Needed: While coriander powder has a long shelf life, it is best to use it within six months for optimal flavor.
  • Toast Before Use: For an extra burst of flavor, consider toasting the coriander powder lightly in a dry pan before adding it to your dishes.
  • Experiment with Ratios: Depending on your taste preferences, you can adjust the ratio of coriander seeds to other spices to create unique blends that suit your dishes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your homemade coriander powder is fresh, flavorful, and perfect for enhancing the taste of your favorite dishes. Happy cooking!


  • Does coriander powder have any side effects? It is generally safe when used in culinary amounts. However, some individuals may be allergic to coriander or experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort. If you have any concerns, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional.
  • Can I use coriander powder in desserts? While coriander powder is typically used in savory dishes, it can add an interesting twist to certain desserts, especially those with citrus or spiced flavors.
  • Is coriander powder the same as cumin powder? No, coriander powder and cumin powder are different spices. Coriander powder is made from coriander seeds, while cumin powder comes from cumin seeds. They have distinct flavors and should not be used interchangeably.
  • How do I use coriander powder in marinades? To use coriander powder in marinades, mix it with other spices, herbs, and a liquid of your choice, such as yogurt or lemon juice. Coat the meat or vegetables thoroughly with the marinade, refrigerate for a few hours or overnight, and then cook as desired.
  • Can coriander powder be used in beverages? Yes, it can be used in certain beverages, particularly in homemade spice blends for teas and chai. It adds subtle warmth and complexity to the drinks.


Approximate nutrition values for coriander powder per serving:

Nutrition Fact
Per Serving
Cal: 230kcal
Fat: 6g
Carbs: 40g
Protein: 8g


Making coriander powder at home is a rewarding and simple process. Enjoy the rich aroma and taste of freshly prepared coriander powder in your favorite dishes. In this blog post, we have provided a comprehensive guide on making it at home. Following these steps will ensure you have a flavorful and aromatic spice to elevate your culinary creations. Enjoy the process of creating your own coriander powder and relish the delightful taste it brings to your dishes!

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