Tomato Sauce vs Paste? Unraveling the Saucy Mystery

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Confused about tomato sauce vs paste? We’ve got you covered. Our guide explains the defining characteristics of each and provides tips for cooking with them.

When it comes to cooking, there are several ingredients that we often come across. Two of these ingredients are tomato sauce and tomato paste. Though both of them are made from tomatoes, they have several differences that make them unique. In this article, we will explore the difference between tomato sauce and tomato paste, and their uses.



Tomato sauce vs Tomato paste

Tomato sauce is a liquid condiment made from tomatoes. It is usually seasoned with herbs, spices, and salt to enhance its taste. Tomato sauce is usually used as a base for many other sauces and dishes. It is also used as a topping for pizzas, burgers, and hot dogs.


Tomato sauce vs Tomato paste

Tomato paste, on the other hand, is a thick and concentrated paste made from tomatoes that have been cooked down to remove most of the moisture content. It has a deep red color and a rich flavor. Tomato paste is often used as a thickening agent and a flavor enhancer in dishes such as stews, soups, and pasta sauces.


While both tomato sauce and tomato paste are made from tomatoes, they differ in processing methods, texture, flavor, nutritional value, and shelf life.

Tomato sauce vs paste
Tomato paste

Here are some of the main differences:

  • Processing Methods: Tomato sauce is made by cooking and blending tomatoes with other ingredients, such as garlic and herbs. Tomato paste is made by cooking tomatoes for an extended time to reduce most of the water content.
  • Texture and Consistency: Tomato sauce has a thinner consistency and is often used as a base for dishes, while tomato paste is thick and concentrated and is used to add depth and richness to dishes.
  • Flavor: Tomato sauce is often seasoned with herbs, garlic, and onions, giving it a savory and slightly sweet flavor. Tomato paste, on the other hand, has a more intense and concentrated tomato flavor, with a slightly caramelized and umami taste.
  • Nutritional Value: Tomato sauce and tomato paste both contain nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene, which is a potent antioxidant that may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. However, tomato paste has a higher concentration of these nutrients due to its concentration process.
  • Shelf Life: Tomato sauce has a shorter shelf life than tomato paste, as it contains more water content, which can promote bacterial growth. Tomato paste, on the other hand, has a longer shelf life, as its concentration process removes most of the water content.


In some cases, you may need to substitute tomato sauce or tomato paste in a recipe.

Tomato sauce vs Tomato paste
Tomato sauce

Here are some options:

Substituting Tomato Sauce

  • Tomato puree: This is a smooth and thick tomato sauce with a consistency similar to tomato sauce.
  • Canned crushed tomatoes: These are tomatoes that have been chopped and canned in their juice, and can be blended to achieve a smooth consistency similar to tomato sauce.
  • Ketchup: While ketchup has a sweeter flavor, it can be used as a substitute for tomato sauce in some dishes.

Substituting Tomato Paste

  • Tomato sauce: For recipes that call for a small amount of tomato paste, you can substitute it with tomato sauce.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes: These are dried and concentrated tomatoes that can be blended into a paste-like consistency.
  • Canned tomato soup: This can be used as a substitute for tomato paste in recipes that require a thinner consistency.

Combining Tomato Sauce and Tomato Paste

In some recipes, you may need to combine tomato sauce and tomato paste to achieve the desired flavor and consistency. Here’s how to do it:

  • To make tomato sauce from tomato paste, mix one part tomato paste with one part water to achieve the desired consistency.
  • To make tomato paste from tomato sauce, simmer the sauce in a pan until most of the water has evaporated, and the sauce has thickened.


  • Use tomato sauce as a base for many different sauces, such as pizza sauce, marinara sauce, or barbecue sauce.
  • Add tomato paste to soups and stews to add depth and flavor.
  • Dilute tomato paste with water or broth to make a tomato sauce.
  • Use tomato paste as a thickening agent for pasta sauces and casseroles.


Proper storage is essential to maintain the freshness and quality of tomato sauce and tomato paste.

Tomato sauce or paste
Store in airtight container

Here are some tips:

  • Tomato sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days or frozen for up to six months.
  • Tomato paste can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or frozen for up to six months.

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  • Can I use tomato sauce instead of tomato paste? Yes, in most cases, you can use tomato sauce as a substitute for tomato paste, but the flavor and consistency may differ slightly.
  • Can I use tomato paste instead of tomato sauce? No, tomato paste cannot be used as a substitute for tomato sauce, as it is too thick and concentrated. However, you can dilute tomato paste with water to make tomato sauce.
  • Can I freeze tomato sauce and tomato paste? Yes, both tomato sauce and tomato paste can be frozen for up to six months. Make sure to store them in an airtight container to prevent freezer burn.
  • Can I use fresh tomatoes instead of tomato sauce or tomato paste? Yes, you can use fresh tomatoes as a substitute for tomato sauce or tomato paste, but you will need to cook and blend them to achieve the desired consistency. Keep in mind that using fresh tomatoes may alter the flavor and texture of your dish.
  • How can I tell if tomato sauce or tomato paste has gone bad? If tomato sauce or tomato paste has gone bad, it will have a sour or off-putting odor, and may also have mold or discoloration. If you notice any of these signs, discard the product immediately.
  • Can I use tomato sauce or tomato paste after the expiration date? While it’s generally not recommended to use products after their expiration date, tomato sauce and tomato paste can still be used if they have been stored properly and do not show any signs of spoilage. However, the flavor and quality may be compromised.
  • What dishes can I make with tomato sauce or tomato paste? Tomato sauce and tomato paste are versatile ingredients that can be used in a variety of dishes, including pasta sauces, stews, soups, and casseroles. They can also be used as a base for barbecue sauce or pizza sauce.
  • Is tomato sauce or tomato paste healthier? Both tomato sauce and tomato paste contain nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene, but tomato paste has a higher concentration of these nutrients due to its concentration process. However, keep in mind that many tomato sauces and pastes contain added sugar and salt, so be sure to read the label and choose a product with minimal additives.


In conclusion, tomato sauce and tomato paste are two different products with unique characteristics, preparation methods, and uses.

While tomato sauce is a liquid condiment made from cooked and blended tomatoes, tomato paste is a concentrated and thick tomato puree made from cooked and reduced tomatoes.

Understanding the differences between the two can help you choose the right ingredient for your recipe, and substitute or combine them when necessary.

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